Missing Friend

by - June 23, 2015

Hi guys Happy Ramadan Day-6!

Today's post will be a little flashback about a friend. I just kind of weird that called it "friend" cause we just talked about just a few minutes. It was not a real talk like face-to-face but chatting via twitter. One day I was very bored and didnt know what to do so I was going trough twitter and searching for something came in to my mind. 

That day I was wonder if in other part of world there's somebody who smart living in an atheist country being a muslim. Suddenly I found her account caught my eyes - if Im not wrong the name is "AshleyLovesAllah".I ventured myself to ask her a few questions like 
"Are you a muslim?" and she said yes. 
"Where do you live?" and she said in Southern Kentucky
I asked more how she can be a muslim and she ended up want to tell me the story, I gave her my email and she sent me her story from the beginning. 

I know it must be her privacy but I want it to be our inspiration too. Moreover she never told me to not telling anyone about her story. These are the screen captured of her email. She sent it on 2/4/13 when I was a freshman in high school.

A/N: you better click on the pictures the get best view

Her story made me dumbfounded. She was trough a hard time and Allah shows her the way. I never be so grateful read her story until now. If I were her would I be like her? Sometimes I wonder am I be a muslim just cause my parents are muslim? Definitely no! Im a muslim cause Allah shows me the way and I believe in Allah.

The bad side of this post is I never talk to her anymore and I cant find her account again. I've been looking for her but naught. I tried to send her email but it said her email was removed. Im curious is she alright? Is she still being a muslim? does she have any friend? Is she okay?

My only hope to her is just make sure she is okay and still hold fast the religion. I know she is a smart girl. 
Hey you Ashley Nicole Planck, do you still remember me?

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