Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

by - October 02, 2014

eat, diet, eat better feel better, fruit salad, workout, feel, fit, better, workout diet
Trying to lose fat and get in shape? Follow these steps and you will be well on your way to having the body you’ve always wanted.
1) You Are What You Eat
We’ve all heard this saying and it’s pretty self explanatory. If you eat crap, you will feel crap, if you eat well, then you’ll feel well! If you always eat fatty foods then it goes without saying you will get fat. Feed your body the nutrients it needs and it will pay you back in ways you will love!
2) Determine Whether You’re Hungry or Thirsty
Most of the time when we feel hungry outside of normal meal times we’re in fact thirsty. If you find yourself feeling peckish throughout the day and feeling tempted to eat a sneaky chocolate bar to keep you going, drink some water. You may find that you were actually thirsty. Not only that, even if you are hungry, water will fill you up and curb the urge for you to binge.
3) Stay Hydrated & Only Drink Water
This is probably the most important of all. Making sure you stay hydrated (especially if you’re working out) speeds up your metabolism and burns calories! Drinking water is the best thing you can do to cut fat. Always drink 2 glasses of water right after you wake up in the morning as this kick starts your metabolism for the day and rehydrates you from what you lost out on whilst asleep. Green tea is also great to shed fat and detox your body.

4) Drink Water Before Meals
No excuses. ALWAYS drink two glasses of water before your meals. This will fill you up (as well as keeping you hydrated) and stop you over-eating at meal times.
5) Control Your Portion Sizes
Don’t over-eat. Use Smaller plates and bowls. We use physical cues when we eat; we know when we’ve had enough food when we see the bottom of the bowl etc. So a small plate full with food feels much more satisfying than that same portion on a large plate because it tricks the mind into thinking there’s more.
6) Control WHAT You Eat
It’s great controlling portion size but that’s no good unless coupled with controlling what’s actually IN the portions. Always try and get your 5-a-day. Eat lots of fruit, vegetables and lean meats. At Lunch time, swap your normal white bread sandwich for brown bread, go for whole wheat pasta and brown rice instead of white. These are all little changes you can make to your daily diet that your body will thank you for. When snacking, opt for things such as:
- A handful of almonds
- Dried fruit
- Fruit
- A spoonful of peanut butter
- Dark chocolate (if you really must have chocolate at all!)
7) Eat Frequently
You should try to eat every 2-3 hours and never go more than 4 hours without food. The key is little and often. Eating frequently keeps your metabolism running high and (as previously mentioned) this burns calories faster. Never skip meals, especially breakfast! It really is true what they say about breakfast being the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up ensures your metabolism is kept up and sets you up for a good day as you are less likely to snack or binge later.
8) Learn To Say No
Learn to say no to bad food. When McDonald’s is calling, or you have a craving for a pizza, remember why you started this journey and how far you have come. Instead, find a recipe for guilt-free alternatives. There are loads of recipes out there that can give you the delight of eating your favourite foods but without the guilt that usually comes with it. There’s always a healthy option!
9) Forgive Yourself
However, if you do slip up, let it go. One burger is not going to make you fat just as one workout will not make you fit. Everything in moderation. Treat yourself every now and then and don’t feel guilty as long as it doesn’t become too frequent. If you make a mistake, drink some water, work a little harder at the gym and forget about it. Fitness is a journey and every journey has it’s ups and downs. Your ability to get over it and make it through will make you stronger in the long run.
10) Finally, EXERCISE
I cannot stress this enough. Diet and exercise goes hand in hand. SO MANY people don’t get the results they want and it’s usually either:
  1. a) They are exercising but not dieting
  2. b) They are dieting but not exercising
You need to do both. Dieting on it’s own can only take you so far. You cannot expect to just eat healthily and get results without working for them. Fit bodies are earned.
“Muscles are torn in the gym, fed in the kitchen and repaired in bed.”
This is how you get results that LAST. So suck it up, buttercup and get to the gym. Or, if you don’t want to go the the gym, take a look at the rest of the blog and start following my workout routines! There are absolutely loads of workouts you can do to get fit in the comfort of your own home. The possibilities are endless so there’s no excuses!
I hope you find this post helpful! Let me know how you get on, send me pictures of you on your fitness journey and definitely feel free to share your own tips and hints!
Stay Strong!

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