School Life Hacks that People Don't Know

by - August 01, 2016

Kurang dari seminggu lagi, aku mulai masuk kuliah lagi dan anak-anak sekolah udah pada masuk sekolah. Jadi kali ini aku mau bagiin tips and tricks biar kalian bisa survive buat tahun ajaran baru kali ini. School life hacks dibawah ini bisa digunain buat anak sekolahan sampai anak kuliahan.

  1. Accidentally close a tab? click ctrl+shift+t to reopens it.
  2. use to find more relevant information right away!
  3. helps find a similar and opposite words.
  4. Dont know whether to write "affect" or "effect"? use "impact" instead.
  5. Google "site:edu [subject] exam". You'll get a bunch of different college exams with similar problems to what may be on your test.
  6. lets you block sites for certain periods of time, so you'll stay focused on the task at hand.
  7. To write an essay in last minute or pretend that you are writing an essay. Use !
  8. if English is not you native language and hard to understand an article, use to read in simple english words and grammar.
  9. Solve your problem in one click ! Go to and be a pro!
  10. Google "set timer" and it will load up a handy digital timer.

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